I taped that saying to a picture of Agyness Deyn hanging on my wall. It's a part of a collage; I don't have a giant, LESBIAN crush on Aggy. (so wanted to have a Mean Girls moment with that. "It's because I have a big, LESBIAN crush on you! Suck on that!) sorry, rant...Janis Ian <3
anyways-so much went down today. Rave Died-R.I.P. glowstick, wielding-maniacs. maybe rave has been dead for awhile but I made it official today by announcing it in the senior hallway. I'm curious what people think when they hear me talk. like when I say "i love 40-something year old men, oh so sexy." I wonder what goes through their puny, little minds before passing false judgements. it's true though, i love me an aged man. it's like a cheese or fine wine (=
I don't discriminate though, ages 18-however old Daniel Day-Lewis is are all ripe for the picking.
Um what else happened...oh, Prom dress shopping was a BUST! maybe I should go as Gaga. I'll just wrap myself in bubble-wrap and wear my dog's vet cone around my neck and call it an evening. I'd be the person people would take pictures with and I'd be in everyone's display pic-mwhahahahaha.
Julian Casablancas is in exactly 8 DAYS! I'm so excited. My autographed poster is framed and hanging directly across from my bed. I can't wait to get some amazing pictures of an amazing man. SUPER BUMMED to hear the new Strokes LP is being pushed back to January 2011 though-FUCKERS! get it together for the good of music-kind <3
Dream a little Dream of me

quite possibly my proudest moment in photography class. can't wait to shoot this weekend, supposedly the chicago weather is going to let up and the sun will shine. I could be wrong...the news could be wrong...I rarely watch the news.
so...I won this Julian Casablancas tour blogger contest through Buzznet. VERY EXCITED! i've never shot with a photopass before so it should be interesting. intimidated though-i don't have a professional camera therefore i may look like a fool.
excited to be going back to New York in June. I'll be thinner, we won't have to do all the touristy things again, it'll be fun. BUT IT'S A SURPRISE! it's a birthday gift for mi madre. she won't read this so it doesn't matter.
listening to marc cohn-BRILLIANCE! "walking in memphis"
"but do i really feel the way i feel?..."
that is all bonbon <3
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