this photo means that i have graduated from high school. haven't i had a countdown going for some time now? yes and unlike the rest of the graduating class, (majority of which have been together since kindergarten) i am not the least bit sad. i didn't cry over the speeches or moving my tassle from the left to the right. i had no connection to the school, maybe to some of the students but not many, and i honestly only tried hard for the future=college. am i going where i want? no, but New York City is in my future. for that, i'm excited, i'm not scared, and i'm not sad to leave here whenever that day does come.
this photo also means that it's FINALLY summer! summer means shows, getting rid of my awkward pastey-ness, having all day to work-out because i'm jobless, and NYC! of course, that will be the highlight of the year (besides seeing The Strokes at Lolla).
i don't know exactly where my love for the big apple stems from. maybe it's because of the music, i blame blondie. it's the fashion, i know for sure because sex & the city started when i was...roughly 10 and i was hooked. jay-z nails it on the head in "empire state of mind." (which i REFUSED to listen to when i got my rejection letter from NYU) it could've been seinfeld, woody allen, and andy warhol as well. oh look, i've begun to ramble...
ANWAYS! new music express this weekend.
The Young Veins (thank god ryan ross and jon whatshisface left p@td because this is much better)
Sleigh Bells (fuzzy wuzzy is the only way to describe this sound in my mind)
The Like (basically the supremes in stereo-finally)
Uffie (sex dreams & denim jeans, mhmm <3)
The Dead Weather (sea of cowards is AMAZING goth-blues rock & roll, can't wait for july)
Travis McCoy (solo > gym class heroes)
...and spinmagazine.com has been offering enough free music to make your head spin.
also-check this site out, fo' free :)
unbelievably long blogpost that only one person may read *hello hilary becker, i love you*
peace & all good things