After waiting in the morning thunderstorm, which I insisted it was "just drizzling", we made our way down Belmont and sat in Starbucks for an hour, then made our way to American Apparel, and Dunkin Donuts. By the way-American Apparel: HELLO SESAME STREET! I'm planning a return so I can spend some $$.
On the walk back to The Vic, we saw the bus. Danielle, JP, Alex, and Nelson were all hanging out and I admit that a huge, stupid grin made it's way across my face. I caught a glimpse of Julian as he ran down the sidewalk and disappeared in the middle of the street (Whatever cab he got in, that driver had better recognize).
A few hours later, this happened:

I didn't have my moment until he walked away though. My knees started shaking and I called my mom and dad like I had just won the lottery or something. I can't thank my friends enough (Kacey and Andrea) for...pushing me towards Jules. He was super sweet and gives amazing hugs.
Now-to the show! I finally got my photopass and I took my place among the other photographers in the pit. I felt misplaced considering the fact that they had all their fancy equipment and I had my little Olympus digital. But Buzznet gave me an amazing opportunity and I hope I did them proud.
The (forgettable) opening act (Head Automatica meets...some slightly screamo band)played least 30 minutes. However, the lead singer was quite entertaining since he semi-beat everyone in the band with a tambourine and microphone. Then, the lights went dim-and out walked Julian clad in tight, red pants, a heavily embellished leather jacket, and hightop, white nikes.
He opened with a new song which kind of surprised me. Why would he open with a possible, new Strokes song, let alone a song no one knew? But the song was a bit punk and really set the energy bar at a high that it would surpass later on in the show. The next song was "Ludlow Street," the ode to growing up in New York City, drinking on the lower-East side and watching it all change right before your own eyes. I couldn't help but get distracted by singing along, Julian's voice was perfection and his presence was captivating.
"River of Brakelights" sounded way better than it did on Jimmy Fallon. Miss Danielle Haim on bass was brilliant as well. I kind of love a strictly hetero-way, but I kind of love her. "Left & Right & in the Dark" got the crowd dancing. However, I had been dancing since the SECOND the band took the stage. But nothing compared to "Hard to Explain", The Strokes classic that whipped the crowd into a frenzy. This song is the reason my voice is gone and why I'm ridiculously sore. However, when some fans started shouting requests ("Someday!" "New York City Cops!") one fan caught Jules's attention with "What do you think about Lollapalooza?" To which Julian replied, "You mean Chicagopalooza? I don't." He turned away from the mic, and turned almost cynical. Like any talk of The Strokes is a sore that just had salt poured into it. This kind of bummed me out. How much longer do The Strokes have? But whatever-there's more solo show to discuss!
"Glass" was incredibly beautiful. When Julian got to the part of the song "Dominance & loyalty. Romance & security, stay behind." It was like he completely poured himself into the song. I had never heard or seen an artist do that before and it was amazing. That song is whole-heartedly one of my favorites now. That was one of my favorite parts of the show.
The band jumped head first into "11th Dimension" and as anyone who has "Phrazes for the Young" knows, this is the ultimate dance song. The crowd danced and the show turned into a campfire sing-along. After the song, Jules flashed the peace sign and walked off stage. But of course, it didn't end there. A brief intermission gave everyone a breather before Julian walked out and began singing "I'll Try Anything Once." The song really showed his range and I admit, I got a tad choked up. A part of me prefers "I'll Try Anything Once" to "You Only Live Once." The lyrics are deeper and there's just something about the atmosphere the song creates.
"Out of the Blue" followed, causing me to move infront of the security guard so I could have more room to dance.
After a false start into "4 Chords of the Apocalypse" due to a keyboard malfunction, Julian said, "Fuck it. I don't really like the song anyways. How about a Christmas song?" Before the band switched gears into the SNL classic, "I Wish it was Christmas Today." "Yay for inappropriateness!" Jules smiled as the song drew to a close. The band left the stage again. I saw a few people leave, but Jules had one more trick up his sleeve. A second encore? Oh yes.
"1 out of 10 people like this song. So this one's for you." Julian said as he introduced "Tourist." I love that song so I was thrilled. Now, as the entire show drew to a close. The keyboard was fixed, and "I hear it in your silence..." bellowed throughout The Vic theater. Julian sang from his gut and he sounded almost soulful as the song hit its peak. He thanked the crowd once again, bowing as the crowd chanted his name even afte he walked off.
All in all, the show was perfect. To the Sun-Times, Julian was NOT bored. I don't know how they got that impression but whatever. I will never forget it. I had been waiting to see Casablancas since I was 10 and this was worth the wait. I can't wait to see The Strokes at Lollapalooza!
cool shit, homes!