
Suburban Home.

Today is Prom Day. As everyone updates their facebook statuses and goes out to get their hair done, I sit here and wonder why the fuck it matters so much to these people? Maybe it's me being cynical or just...pessimistic but suburban kids are ridiculous. I'm not even going to prom and I've gotten 6 text messages asking if I have faux-eyelash glue. Oh yes, I have tons of that just lying around-wtf!? The dress drama is my favourite. Let's spend $750 on a dress you're going to wear once for 4 hours that is only going to be left shapeless on a hotelroom floor after you give your boyfriend/date what he's only been getting all year. It's obnoxious.

I hate living in the suburbs. I hate that life revolves around school dances, tanning, faux eyelashes/nails, and big hair that's "full of secrets." There's no sense of individuality, if you don't put out there's no point in trying to make new friends with the "higher-ups" or getting a boy's attention, you work hard in school to get ranked by a bunch of administrators who play favorites anyway, and you don't even get a a diploma when you graduate-you get a sleeve. It's a sick cultural wasteland. Seriously, these kids' idea of rock & roll is All Time Low and...Shinedown -SICKENING. Also, they use "gay" and "retard" as synonyms for "stupid" and "lame." I literally dread going outside of my house because I'll be exposed to the small-mindedness and ignorance of these people who are considered "my peers." They aren't my fucking peers, I'll tell you that much.

I don't even know how many days are left until Graduation. All I know is that it's not this coming Monday and that's a buzzkill.


  1. add some tractors and camo prom dresses, and you have our prom.
    i feel ya.

  2. camo? do you have a picture of said thing? lol
