3 day weekends are supposed to be relaxing and leave you feeling fresh and awake for tuesday...that's bullshit. today was EXHAUSTING and, may I add, dragging, especially since I waited ALL DAY to go get a tattoo that I couldn't get because the line was too long. next tuesday, the girl waiting outside at 12:15 will be me. i'm getting love on my wrist; no it's NOT for "to write love on her arms" and yes i'm aware of the cliche. however for my first piece, i want something i'm NOT going to regret (breaking a tradition, i'm sorry) and i've wanted it FOR-EV-ER. but now i'm thinking of getting bella, the italian word for beautiful, not for the fictional "heroine" of twilight. for the record, is bella really even a heroine? she doesn't really do anything but annoy the shit out of me...in the films at least, i still enjoyed the books.
in other news: i'm pretty sure the man-pool at UIC is dried up, at least the men that are my type. i thought this guy was hot, he looked like albert hammond, jr. from the side...and then i saw him straight on. he's still cute but it's disappointing that i can't find at least ONE. also, i'm in need of straight friends. my gay friends make my day, but i need some testosterone around...pronto.
drab, fab, cab, scab, tab, lab, shab, gab...-ab! <--out of boredom/lack of something to ramble about.
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