Thanksgiving is in 2 days. I hate to admit this, but I only know that Thanksgiving is in 2 days because my roomie has a countdown on her whiteboard. Otherwise, I'd be completely oblivious and that, combined with my ZERO sense of time, isn't really the best combination. Regardless, I am thankful for things this year. This year's list is more mature that last year's. I've grown up and experienced things and I know what's important and what's not. With this said, I still have the capacity to be shallow and be thankful for material items (oh well, I'm not perfect)
1) My family's health. For the past 5 years, a family member of mine has died in November. This year, everyone was happy and healthy. 2) Doing well in college. I was scared I would fail, ok? 3) My parents still having jobs and trying to float above this shit economy. 4) My family's pact to get physically healthy in 2011. Biggest Losers anyone? Placing bets now :) 5) Music -given, like this one would ever change?
now something cute:
Happy 2 day 'til Thanksgiving whoever reads this :)
so...I've now smoked a couple of cigarettes in my lifetime. I thought I was NEVER going to but...well, I did. The guilt kills me though, sometimes I feel like I can still taste the nicotine (even though it's been almost 2 months and I brush my teeth twice a day). But it got me thinking about why smoking is portrayed as glamorous. After I smoked, I smelled like crap, my throat burned, and my mouth felt dirty...really dirty. There's something about it that, as lame and cliched as it sounds, makes you Or maybe I thought/felt all of this because I was drunk and we were stumbling around Boys Town at 5:30 in the morning with a Lady Gag Gag blow-up doll. ANYWAYS -smoking is not glamorous, but some of the most beautiful and talented women do it and people accept it/condone it/replicate it. It's weird how pop culture society works, isn't it?
Oh hey Blogger. I've been all up in Tumblr's business yet again; it's just so much easier. However, I prefer to ramble on blogger because I KNOW no one reads this whereas on Tumblr, people actually like some of my posts :)
But today, November 13th at 11:18 p.m. -I'm going to be more positive. I live in my mind, constantly over-analyzing every little detail and comparing my life to the lives of others , but now I'm going to stop. STOP!...Jane's Addiction moment...sorry. On a sidenote, does anyone think Seth Meyers is hot? I think he's hot. My sister prefers Andy Samberg but that's only because she's shallow 0_0
To keep on this positive thing, I'm shocked at how much I've been dancing and singing lately. I don't really dance, I moreso hop and shimmy and throw in the occassional fist pump for shits and giggles. The singing is getting really bad. I turn on The Like's new album and sing-along to "Don't Make a Sound."
The Strokes needle is also firmly stuck in my arm again as a result of the Isle of Wight coverage that was on Palladia. They're just so good...I can't help myself -I geek out. I was born with this large capacity to geek over just about anything, it's a double-edged sword., end of post? If I don't post again -Happy Thanksgiving :)
Jules gives a Thanksgiving shout-out during "Someday" -hells yeah