
New beginnings?

Oh hey Blogger. I've been all up in Tumblr's business yet again; it's just so much easier. However, I prefer to ramble on blogger because I KNOW no one reads this whereas on Tumblr, people actually like some of my posts :)

But today, November 13th at 11:18 p.m. -I'm going to be more positive. I live in my mind, constantly over-analyzing every little detail and comparing my life to the lives of others , but now I'm going to stop. STOP!...Jane's Addiction moment...sorry. On a sidenote, does anyone think Seth Meyers is hot? I think he's hot. My sister prefers Andy Samberg but that's only because she's shallow 0_0

To keep on this positive thing, I'm shocked at how much I've been dancing and singing lately. I don't really dance, I moreso hop and shimmy and throw in the occassional fist pump for shits and giggles. The singing is getting really bad. I turn on The Like's new album and sing-along to "Don't Make a Sound."

The Strokes needle is also firmly stuck in my arm again as a result of the Isle of Wight coverage that was on Palladia. They're just so good...I can't help myself -I geek out. I was born with this large capacity to geek over just about anything, it's a double-edged sword.

Um....so, end of post? If I don't post again -Happy Thanksgiving :)

Jules gives a Thanksgiving shout-out during "Someday" -hells yeah

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy your posts on here but if you prefer tumblr then maybe i should go there instead lol
