The album’s sixteen tracks flow with a cinematic drama about them. The earlier tunes, “Natalia’s Song” and “Witch Hunt” are slower, setting the mood for what’s to come. It’s almost as if the listener is entering a haunted house complete with cathedral-esque echoes. From then on, tracks like “Vortex” and “Digital Rain” completely amplify the record to its climax. It’s high heart-rate, accessible dance music that could be played alongside anything to create a new, musical atmosphere.
As a conclusion, Zomby returns to a mellow lucidity with tracks like “Haunted” ,which is driven by what sounds like violins accompanied by a piano, and “Mozaik” ,which sounds like ending credits to a video game. What’s great about the end of the record is that it feels whole –as if it perfectly punctuated Zomby’s every thought.
While the album may be an acquired taste for some, it’s worth listening to. In the United States, at least, dubstep and “rave” music have been pigeon-holed as having to contain heavy bass and the same, repetitious set of keys and synths. With Dedication, the “genre” is more artistically crafted rather than slapped on due to sonic appeal. **8.3/10
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