Hello shy (I'm assuming) yet dedicated readers!
I have to say, I'm really loving writing for Napiers News. There's some really great stuff coming up so be sure to visit the page and browse :) I'm reviewing two new albums now so when they're posted -check. them. out. PLEASE. Writing these is only furthering my LOVE of reviewing, music, etc. Speaking of which -did anyone see Pirate Radio?
If you haven't -PLEASE find a way to get your hands on it. If you LOVE music; geek over it, debate it, would make love to it -you NEED to see this film. The cast is great, Philip Seymour Hoffman's as yet another a rock and roll connoisseur (of course, my favorite performance as Lester Bangs in the movie that changed my life Almost Famous), DJ "The Count." As well as Robert Pattinson's BFF and fellow hottie, Tom Sturridge and cinema's triple threat Kenneth Branagh (actually, he may be a quadruple threat). The ending -and this could just be me being an overly emotional being, I cried.
Can I just say -I was born in the COMPLETELY WRONG DECADE! If I was a teenager in the 60s...damn ;)
I added Pirate Radio to my Netflix queue! :)